Story of my life :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 • 8:02 PM • 0 comments Assalamualaikum and good morning, dear readers :)
hey guys. uwaa lama dah tak update blog. ramai tanya bila nak update. a bit proud. heh! :b
anyway, i have a lot of things to share. semalam ayah bawa satu family pergi Bagan Lalang. ya i know. some of you cakap pantai tu kotor blablabla. kitorg cari tempat bersih la. ada batu-batu besar. sumpah view dia cannnntik sangat! kalau boleh taknak balik. haha. tak percaya? look at this,
oh gambar tu, i really love it. you know why? i love sunset. dengan deru-deru angin yang bertiupan~ ombak yang membawa ketenangan~ ahhhhh ! rindu sangat suasana macam ni. duduk sini, macam2 masalah datang. datang sana, alhamdulillah. i felt so calm. God's creature never failed in making me smile.
And this is gambar masa dekat batu-batu tepi pantai. look at the background. cantik kan? :)
with my crazy sister. duduk situ,sah-sah la kena air. kitorg menjerit. hahhaa. quite 'batak' kott :b
about 6.30pm ibu suruh naik nak balik. before balik,kitorg pergi makan dkt tepi pantai,tengok sunset. haa yepp! the first photo ;) then, we're going home.
sampai2, terus cari katil,bummmp! penat teramat. mana tak, pagi before pergi Bagan Lalang, aku pergi main bowling dgn Yakin,Faris,Kemal and Izzati. *kalah tu tajuk utama* hahaha. yang penting,second game, Faris KALAH dgn aku. bhahahhaa . lawak duh smlm. gambar? oh sorry :( eksaiiited punya kes, satu gambar tak tangkap. Alhamdulillah bola tak kebelakang. *longkang? oh itu tempat wajib bola tu melawat* :P
Malam, for sure sesi mengupload gambar dkt fb. sbb fb sekarang gudang gambar je bg aku. haha. im more to Twitter,guys. do ask me if you want my Twitter's name okay :)
last night aku webcam dgn org gilaaaa. gosh! dia terlepas dari Tanjung Rambutan! hahha. no lah. he's my friend, Fakharul. he already moved to Rawang. susah nk meet up dah. but friend, will always be friend! do take care of yourself, Fakulul Laji! :p *mak dia cakap aku comel. hahhahaha. tak sangka mak dia mempunyai mata yang sangat sihat* XD
and the best thing is, tab fb ada (1) . checked, " *** ***** like your photo." , Ya Allah, menjerit aku. ahhaa. which photo? again, the first one. hee :D
bahagia je semalam. and today? yes. let me start the story of today.
I was dreamed about him. TWO TIMES. how come? i already woke up on 6am smthg. Someone said to me, " if you're dreaming of someone, a big might s/he is missing you." im not sure betul or tak. what i know, i do miss him, so much. and yes, im crying. dah lama tak menangis pasal seorang lelaki. and today? haha. im not so sure is this love or what. i dont want to put too much hopes on him. i know how hurt i'll get later. IM NOT READY FOR A NEW BROKENHEART. Its enough to feel this much of hurt of missing you,boy. I know im stupid for still keep it inside myself. Seriously, idk how to tell you what i feel through you. Its hard to tell you. Im sorry.
oh and if im not wrong,last post aku ada janji smthg right? so yeah. here it is.
hahhaa.shut your mouth. i already do what i promised right? :p
he had something difficult for me to describe.
thanks for reading. enjoy your day,guys. bye bye *waving hand* :D
STORY OF ME ♥ More about me
Rewind Credits Big helped: Aulia Septiya Edited: Jannn |